I love stocking stuffers! Those fun goodies to dig out of a stocking on Christmas morning always bring out the kid in me. I rounded up a list of stocking stuffer ideas for yarn spinners under $20 that yarn spinners can (ahem) share with Santa!
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Mini Spindle
This little walnut drop spindle from Scotts Mountain Crafts is so adorable! It looks like the perfect spindle to pop into a bag for some spinning on the go.

Turkish Spindle
Turkish style spindles have gotten very popular recently. They are so much fun because their cross arm whorls create a little center pull “turtle” of yarn. It’s ready to use or ply as soon as it comes off the spindle. These 3-D printed spindles from Turtle Made have the extra fun of being able to order custom spindle colors!

Orifice Hook
Having a few extra orifice hooks on hand is always useful and it is even better if they are pretty too!
This orifice hook from Papa Jacks Woodworks has a WPI gauge built into the handle. The hook is copper and will look lovely with an antique spinning wheel!

The tassels on these Spinner’s Orifice Hooks from Banshee Fiber Art are adorable! I love that there are so many color and bead options as well. A lovely tool to enjoy while spinning lovely yarn.

Spindle Whorl
If your spinner loves the history of spinning, this is a fun and unique stocking stuffer! It is a star shaped replica of a Bronze Age spindle whorl. It will need a spindle stick if you want to spin with it, but collecting spindle whorls, especially historical whorls, is fun even without the sticks!

Spindle Sticks
Does your spinner have lots of whorls already? You can’t go wrong having a few spare spindle sticks on hand. For spinning with interchangeable whorls, having extra sticks is like having extra bobbins. There are never enough. I have been dreaming of these Medieval Style Spindle Sticks from Niddy Noddy UK

Project Bag
Project bags are so useful! Crafters I know say they can never have enough because they keep my projects organized and all my tools together, even when I’m just crafting around the house. No matter what your craft is, little bags are convenient and useful. Here are a few cute bags I really like…
This project bag from Knit Picks is for hand knit (and hand spun!) socks. It has a diagram of the Kitchener Stitch right on the bag.

I just really like this adorable sheep on this zippered project bag from Tiny Dynamine Shop on Etsy. This bag looks perfect for some fiber and a mini spindle, or maybe to keep an orifice hook and control card safe and secure near the spinning wheel.

Spinners Control Card
I can’t spin without my control card. Seriously. I rely on it to keep my spins consistent from one end to the next. It is my go-to reference to plan my projects and spin the yarn I want, and having several is even better. There are many different styles of control cards, here are two I like a lot!
This spinner’s control card from Fiber Sprite has a built in diz and ruler in addition to the yarn diameter and twist angle tools.

The Eszee Twist Tool from Camaj is another great tool. It is double sided with a large picture guide for S and Z twist on the front and the twist angles and yarn diameter guides on the back.

Soak Minis
This was one of the “treats” in the yarn advent calendar I did in 2019. I had never used SOAK before that, but after washing some of my handknits (and hand spun) with SOAK, I will never look back! These SOAK minis are great if you want to try different scents. Anyone who has wool, cashmere, alpaca, or other natural fibers in their closet will appreciate handwashing with SOAK!

Spinners I know love to geek out over the sheep that give us their glorious floof to spin. Not only does a mug hold coffee, it’s a space to enjoy geeking out on whatever crafts, hobbies, and fandoms you are into!
I love this watercolor sheep mug because the design makes me imagine all the colorful potential of a fleece before it hits the dye pot. Inspiring!

For those of us who are unicorns ourselves, Sparkles the knitting unicorn mug from Knit Picks is the perfect stocking stuffer! There’s a great mug for every kind of spinner and crafter out there!

I hope these ideas are helpful for stuffing that stocking! What stocking stuffers do you think are great gifts for spinners and fiber artists?