I have had a question about the scotch tension system on my spinning wheels for a while now. Because it is often mentioned in the same context as Irish tension, I always wondered if scotch tension had something to do with Scotland.
The fiber arts are full of terms and words that tack on cultural descriptors. While giving recognition to a group of people for their contribution to textiles is wonderful (eg. Icelandic sweaters), too often I’m learning that many of these cultural terms are inaccurate and do not represent the cultural textile traditions of their namesake (eg. Navajo plying).
For this particular research project, I wanted to figure out where the term scotch tension came from and of course determine if it has anything to do with Scotland.
If you need help tensioning your scotch tension spinning wheel, check out my scotch tension video for a tutorial and troubleshooting tips.
What is a Scotch Tension System?
My first clue that something was amiss had to do with the fact that all the antique Scottish spinning wheels I could find featured a double drive tension system. In contrast, scotch tension is a single drive system with the drive band connecting the drive wheel to a whorl that spins the flyer. This gives the fibers their twist. The scotch brake is placed over the bobbin to create drag. This drag is what allows the fibers to wind around the bobbin.

The spinning wheel in the picture above is my Vintage Ashford Traditional that I painted myself. You can see how I did it here!
Being unable to find an antique example of scotch tension on a Scottish spinning wheel doesn’t mean there never was one. It is actually very easy to convert a double drive wheel into a single drive, scotch tension system, so they may have existed. But if they did, they are now hard to find. I had a feeling that maybe there was a different meaning behind the term “scotch” that was different than the usage for “Scotch whisky.”
A Definition of Scotch
So I went to the dictionary where I found this…
scotch noun (3) Definition of scotch (Entry 6 of 7)
: a chock to prevent rolling or slipping
scotch verb (2) scotched; scotching; scotches Definition of scotch (Entry 7 of 7)
1: to block with a chock
And that is when it all made sense!
For a scotch tension to work on a spinning wheel, you must prevent the bobbin from turning at the same rate as the flier. You have to hinder or thwart it from rolling around as fast so the yarn will be able to fill the bobbin while you spin.
“Scotch tension” does not indicate that this tension system has something to do with Scotland. It is using a more archaic meaning of the word scotch to describe what the spinning wheel actually does.
So, do we capitalize scotch tension?
This means two things for me. First is that unless it starts the sentence, scotch tension should not be capitalized. And second, I need to figure out where Irish tension came from, because I have a feeling it might not have been Ireland.
If you want to know about the history of the Ashford Traditional spinning wheel’s iconic scotch tension system plus learn a few trouble shooting tips to help you spin better with your scotch tension wheel, you can watch this video!
Fujie Robesky
From the Oxford English Dictionary:www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition…
scotch something to stop something from happening; to take action to end something Plans for a merger have been scotched. Rumours that he had fled the country were promptly scotched by his wife.
I think this fits too because scotch tension is about the scotch brake stopping the bobbin from turning so fast. Thanks for the Oxford definition!
Virginia Glenn
I have struggled to understand the tension adjusting – now I’ve got it. You are a great teacher. I think I’ve watched most of your videos. Thanks. I have an Ashford traveler, a Pocket Wheel, a Lendrum and cute little 2 Electric Eel wheels.
I’m so glad I could help, and I love your little “herd” of wheels! Happy spinning!
Judy Walker
Can’t seem to get the bobbin to turn after switching to scotch tension on my Matchless. I’ve tightened n loosened with no movement! Help! Took a pic but can’t seem to include. If u respond via email I can include that way.
Truly frustrated,
Hi Judy! I’m so sorry, I only just now saw your comment. Have you been able to figure out the tension trouble? What I usually tell people is to take the tension band over the bobbin all the way out so it is really loose and then slowly increase it from there while you are spinning. Hopefully, you will find the point where the bobbin starts to tug the yarn in. It can be very subtle. I hope you already have it figured out and you are happily spinning away by now. If not, send me an email and I’ll try to help you further. [email protected]
Thank you I did. Took to my LYS who also spin n weave. Their fix was the same as yours. I’m spinning like crazy now!
Excellent! Happy spinning!
Hi there,
I have an Ashford traditional just like yours (only not so pretty) It was my mother in law’s, she bought it in New Zealand in the 1970s and had it shipped back to Australia. It has now been gifted to me. I am a newbie at spinning and I am not making any headway at all, I am struggling to find the ‘goldilocks’ point. I am getting plenty of twist in the yarn but it is not taking up. Getting rather frustrated.
P.S Love your videos !
I’m so sorry to hear you are getting frustrated! If you are interested in getting some one on one help, I do offer virtual spinning lessons. You can e-mail me at [email protected] I hope you get it figured out and working soon! Happy spinning!
I have a New Zealand Baynes wheel. Scotch tension. What is your preferred material for the brake band. Mine came with a fine nylon fiber one. Not sure thus is ideal, though it seems to have come from the factory (now defunct) with. This one. Thank you for explaining ‘scotched’ for us! 🙂
Some of my wheels are pickier and work better with one material or another. Overall, I find that crochet cotton works pretty well for anything other than my bulkiest whorl and flier. I use a thicker cotton for that to get better friction on the whorl. Happy spinning!
michele turmel
Hi there, I am enjoying your videos and blog. I have a second hand ashford traditional wheel. Have you ever had to change the spring on the scotch tension system? The spring that came with my wheel seemed really “loose” with little return to its original shape, so I changed it, but with a longer smaller (in diameter), tighter one. It seems to work, but I’m wondering if I should have used another spring. Michele, a new spinner
Yes, I got a spring kit from a local hardware store and just swapped them out. Happy spinning!